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Friday, August 26, 2011

Chinese TV programme shows apparent cyber-attack on US website

China's state broadcaster has screened footage that apparently shows army-labelled software for attacking US-based websites, security experts have said.
Beijing has consistently denied being behind cyber-attacks, insisting it plays no part in hacking and is itself a victim.
The analysts warned that the six-second clip could be a mock-up by the broadcaster, CCTV, and that, if genuine, it was probably around 10 years old. The footage emerged as the Pentagon's annual report to Congress on the Chinese military said the People's Liberation Army (PLA) had closed some key technological gaps and was on track for modernisation, including thorough investment in cyber capabilities, by 2020.

The Chinese state news agency, Xinhua, denounced the document as a scaremongering "cock and bull story".
The footage shown by CCTV was part of a cybersecurity documentary screened on its military channel last month and removed from its website after US security analysts wrote about it.

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