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Friday, September 9, 2011

Commands Such As Speed UpNetwork Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting computer network is among the job descriptions of the most important network administrators, system administrators, network technicians and IT consultants. A computer network can have different types of problems of this type can be infected with viruses and spyware, attacked by hackers, unauthorized access to users and may face connectivity problems due to lack of network devices or configurations defective . Here is a list of basic commands to troubleshoot network problems are integrated into the Windows and UNIX operating systems, etc. The proper use of these commands can solve problems of great help in diagnosing and troubleshooting your network.


Ping is the largest order of problem solving and verifies connectivity with other computers. For example the IP address is and comply with its system of network servers "IP is and you can verify connectivity to the server using the ping command in the following format.

DOS promt type ping and press enter

If you get a response from the server connectivity is good and if you receive the error message like this "request timeout", this means that there is a problem in connecting to the server.


IPConfig is another important command in Windows. It displays the IP address of the computer and also it shows the gateway addresses DNS, DHCP, network and mask.

At the command prompt type ipconfig in DOS and press Enter to see the IP address of your computer.

At the DOS prompt, type inconfig / all and press Enter to view detailed information.


NSLOOKUP is a command to TCP / IP and check the domain name aliases, DNS records, operating system information by sending requests to the servers of Internet domain names. You can resolve the errors with the DNS of your network server


Hostname command shows you the name of the computer.

A DOS prompt, type the host name and press Enter


Netstat utility displays protocol statistics and current established TCP / IP connections to your computer.


Help Nbtstat resolutions for troubleshooting NetBIOS name.


Display and change the IP ARP table physical address translation, which is used in ARP.


Finger command is used to retrieve information about a user on a network.


Tracert command is used to determine the path to the remote system. This tool also gives the number of hops and the IP address of each section. For example, if you want to see the number of hops (routers) are involved to reach an URL and what is the IP address of each hop then use the following command.

At the command prompt type tracert you will see a list of all the jumps and their IP addresses.


Traceroute is developing a useful network drive and used to locate the server that slows down the transmission on the Internet and also shows the path between the two systems


Traceroute command, you can make entries manually in the routing table.

We hope that these commands will help you diagnose the troubleshooting your computer network.

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