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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Methods For Whitening Teeth That Are Best For You

The loss of teeth whitening methods are available, such as whitening toothpastes, over the counter gels, rinses, strips and trays, and chlorine to be given by the dentist.

Tooth whitening is absolutely the best for those who are healthy, no fillings, teeth and gums. People who have discolored their teeth with shades to respond best. However, following cosmetic treatment is simply not offered to everyone. Learn about what tooth whitening is the best for you.

First, most whitening toothpastes toothpastes help remove stains in the area simply because they are made of mild abrasives. A couple of whitening toothpaste is made of soft polishing or chemical agents that provide multiple stain removal effectiveness. Whitening toothpaste will eliminate only the area and never stains consisting of bleach on the counter and also specializes articles bleaching consists of carbamide peroxide or perhaps helping to lighten the color of deep the tooth. Whitening toothpastes can make your tooth color with almost a single tone. On the other hand, light-activated whitening procedure with your dentist's office to make your teeth from March to August lighter shades.

Over-the-counter whitening strips or gels also

Whitening gels are usually clear, a peroxide-based gel is applied with a brush straightly to the area of ​​the teeth. Route usually requires twice-daily application for 14 days. The first results are seen in a day or two and complete results are typically exposed to about four months.

Whitening strips are very thin, almost invisible strips that can be covered with the peroxide whitening gel. These strips are commonly used 2 times a day for 30 minutes in 14 days. The first effects are displayed for a few days and the results are usually permanently about four months.

Whitening rinse

One of the teeth whitening products on the market last general whitening rinses. Like most mouthwashes and breath fresheners to help reduce problems of plate and gums as well. However, these articles also are composed of substances such as hydrogen peroxide to lighten the teeth. State enterprises that could have twelve weeks to determine the effects. You can swish everywhere in the mouth for 60 seconds twice a day before brushing teeth. However, experts state that many rinses may not be as powerful as some others of laundering sale. The fact that a whitening rinse is only in contact with all the teeth in such a short time of 2 minutes per day compared with 30 minutes for a strip lot less than they could get the effect.

Tray-based teeth whiteners

Tray-based teeth whitening systems, purchased some over-the-counter or through your dentist, but also a guard-like tray, filling the mouth with the gel in the bleaching solution, which contains a peroxide-bleaching agent, and using this tray, the weather, usually a couple of hours a day every day during the night for about a month or more (depending on how much color as the primary bleaching).

In office whitening

Money gives the fastest solution to brighten teeth. With in-office bleaching, the chlorine is certainly used to the teeth straight. These elements can be used in combination with heat and / or a laser. The effects are seen only in 30 - to 60-minute treatment. However, to achieve dramatic effects, several visits are often necessary. However, in-office bleaching, a dramatic effect is observed after the first treatment. This type of whitening is the most valuable.

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