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Friday, March 15, 2013

All about Ice Dry and Its Usage

If you've seen a theatrical show on TV or live, sometimes there is a “foggy” scene that makes the whole performance area get blurred due to smoke. Another example is a scene in a Harry Potter movie. Some of you must have watched it, right? There is a part where Harry, Ron, and Hermione get a task from some Professor to make a polyjuice concoction which can make them physically change into other people once they put a piece of their hair into the juice. I will not talk about how amusing that part was, instead I want to bring out the smoke effect that came up from inside the juice. Do you wonder what substance the film crew put into the liquid, or what they used on the performance stage to create the same type of effect? If you guessed dry ice, you are absolutely right. View more here and you can find out how to get that special effect. Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide which is can be used as a substitute for an ice cube. The unique characteristic about dry ice is that it does not melt like other ice, but it evaporates into a gas instead. And unlike regular ice, dry ice will not make its surroundings become wet or damp. You can find the dry ice usage for theatrical scene or commonly met in catering businesses to keep food lasting longer. Dry ice also has a lower temperature than regular ice which is in -79 Celsius. Actually, many sectors need a much lower temperature compound than dry ice, such as liquid nitrogen. But dry ice will still be a favorite because liquid nitrogen is a lot more dangerous to be transported around. To produce dry ice, carbon dioxide needs to be pressed in super high pressure so the form will be changed into solid form. Besides the theatrical and catering businesses, it is also well suited to the iron industry for removing oil, coal dust, soot, and any coverings by dry ice blaster technology. It's really quite a unique and versatile substance!

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