As we close out the year, it's time to take a look back at things. I've never been all that keen on "year's best" lists for applications, though that doesn't mean they don't necessarily serve a purpose. There are so many good apps, so many updates. Instead, I think it's a little more fun to take a look at how each one of us uses our phones and tablets.
Are they travel companions? I, for one, remember all too well navigating the backwoods (or what seemed like the backwoods) or Louisiana and Mississippi and Georgia and Florida during my school-age years, playing soccer. We did it with maps. On paper. That didn't move. Or update. That any of us made it back alive is a miracle.
What about bedside readers? Does your tablet even make it out of the boudoir? Does it spend as much time (or more) in the bathroom as you do?
I'm always fascinated to read about how folks use their technology, and inevitably I learn a trick or two that I'll want to try as well. So let's walk through what I used in 2012, and how I used it. In the coming days, you'll hear from the other names and faces behind Android Central and see just what it is we use on a daily basis. Want to get in on the fun yourself? Hit up this forum thread and share your stash with the world.
The hardware

Then came along the HTC One X, and that complicated matters. Because the No. 1 gripe about the Galaxy Nexus was that the camera wasn't anywhere near as good as we were led to believe, particularly with the focus time. So I started do really weird things. Sometimes I'd carry the GNex. If I knew I was going to be someplace I'd want to take pictures, I'd take the One X -- especially if my kids were going to be around. Sometimes I'd take both, just to complicate matters even more.
Then about halfway through the year, we got the Galaxy S3. I picked it up on Verizon, since I was using the GNexand One X on AT&T. It's no great secret that i'm not a fan of Samsung's TouchWiz user interface, so it disappeared pretty quick, replaced by whatever CyanogenModrelease was available at the time. (Usually rocking nightliesfor that, by the way. Cause I like to live dangerously like that.) So for a while it was back and forth between the GS3 and the HOX, depending on which was charged, and how badly I needed LTE. (AT&T had yet to turn it on here in Pensacola. That's since changed.)
That brings us to the middle of the year and the Google I/O -- and the Nexus 7 tablet. You'll notice I haven't mentioned tablets yet. You know how if you get a dog or a kid or something important, it's kind of hard to remember life before it? Same thing here. Sort of. I've reviewed all sorts of Android tablets, including ASUS' excellent Infinity line, but a 10-inch Android tablet just never did it for me. Same goes for the iPad we have laying around here. The Nexus 7 changed that. I use that damn thing every day. Well, that is I did until the Android 4.2 update hit. It's laggy as hell now. But I just have a little patience and power through it.
And, finally, that brings us to the Nexus 4. It's not perfect, and I think the official 4.2 update borked it some, too (I'd been running prerelease software on it before that), but it's my daily driver right now. And I'm doing so not without some irony, since not long after it was released I finally got AT&T LTEwhere I live (T-Mobile is still pretty atrocious here, unfortunately). But Photosphere's a lot of fun, the hardware is great, and -- let's face it -- the phone's a looker.
(And, yes, I've been dabbling with Windows Phone and the HTC 8X. More on that ... eventually. Great hardware, but I'm not giving up Android anytime soon.)
The software

- Pure Calendar Agenda: I can't show off a phone in a picture or video without someone asking what it is. That's what it is. It's indispensable at shows for seeing which meeting or event I'm late for. It's scrollable, highly customizable and sucks in any of the dozen calendars I need to see at a glance. I'm running it as a 4x3widget.
- Camera app: Gets a spot on the home screen on its own. I just stick with the stock app.
- Social folder: Here's where I keep Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare and Google Talk. For Twitter, I use Plume. Falcon Pro is really good, but I need a Twitter app that handles more than one account at a time.
- Apps folder: Where I stash the Google Play store, Google Music, Gallery, YouTube, contacts and calendar apps. Also: 1Password, which is a must for anyone. I also have the OnkyoRemote app, for adjusting the TV volume on the sly, as well as Ingress.
- Travel folder: Google Maps, Fly Delta, FlightTrack (and FlightTrack Pro)and Tripit. So there are three apps in there that overlap a great deal. But each of them has features the other lacks. FlightTrackis great for a quick glance at that day's flights. Tripitis the key to the whole itinerary, but it's more work to look through. And the FlyDelta app has electronic boarding passes. If I'm really nerding out on airplanes, I use FlightAwarefor a more detailed look at where I've been.
- In the dock: Gmail, Chrome, phone and Google Voice.
Other apps that I can't live without but that are tucked away in the app drawer:
- Associated Press: Not a great app, but I know what I'm getting from it -- news.
- Google Authenticator: For two-step passwords.
- Dropbox: Must. Must. Must. (Also semi-required for using 1Password.)
- Expensify: If you have to keep track of business expenses, you must use this app.
- Pocket Casts: My podcatcher of choice.
- ScoreCenter: A must during football season.
- SwiftKey Flow: Really should have mentioned this from the outset, as it's one of the first apps I install on any phone.
- Blue Skies Live Wallpaper: Cause I need a little bit of Zen.
- Plague Inc.: Destroy the world. And then destroy it again. I should feel worse about playing it than I do.
- Sailboat Championship: Frustratingly hard. But still a hell of a lot of phone.
- 10 Pin Shuffle: I'm a sucker for bowling apps.
- AirAttack HD: Doesn't get old. Ever.
- Beach Buggy Blitz: A little fast, a little difficult -- a lot of fun.
- Granny Smith: Challenging, but a good time-waster.
So there is the hardware and software that got me through 2012 and into 2013. What helped you along? I've started a forum thread for you to share. And be sure to check back this week for everyone else's favorites of 2012. Plus, we've got our Editor's Choice and Reader's Choice awards to be announced, more giveaways, and a look ahead to CES -- which starts next week.
See y'all in 2013!
Via: From the Editor's Desk: What we're using, 2012 edition
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