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Flipboard updated to support Android 4.2 Daydream feature


Flipboardfor Android was updated today, and along with a fix for "accidental" flipping and some minor bug fixes, there is a major feature added in -- support for Android 4.2's Daydream feature. Flipboard says this "allows you to create a screen saver made out of Flipboard covers," and that's a pretty good description.

You won't find any new settings inside the Flipboard app itself, but if you open the display settings on your Jelly Bean 4.2 device you'll see Flipboardlisted under the different Daydream modes. The screen saveritself is well done, with the zooming and gently panning of images you'll find in the Photo Table Daydream provided by Google. It uses the entries in your Cover stories category, so you'll probably want to adjust those a bit.

It's more media centric than the Currents Daydream, and lacks a lot of textual information, but we're really excited to see a major player take advantage of the tools Google provides to make unique and awesome apps. Grab the update or install the app for the first time from the link above.

Thanks, Carlos!

Via: Flipboard updated to support Android 4.2 Daydream feature

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