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Galaxy S4 MoDaCo Switch Indiegogo campaign quickly reaches its fundraising goal

Modaco Switch

Over 1,000 raised on Indiegogowith 17 campaign days still remaining

After initially being announced only for theHTC One, an Indiegogo fundraising campaign was started to bring support for the MoDaCo Switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4. The MoDaCo Switch will enable one set of user data and apps to be shared by two different versions of the Android operating system: the Samsung TouchWiz version of Jelly Bean, and the "Google Edition" version of Android Jelly Bean. This allows one phone to switch back and forth between software versions, making changes to one side (like installing apps) that are also reflected on the other.

A goal of 1,000 was set on Indiegogo to bring the Switch to the Samsung Galaxy S4, which was exceeded with over two weeks still left in the campaign. The following update was given in response to the donators' support:

Thanks to everyone who has pledged so far, you're all awesome and it's fantastic we've hit the target already. I'm not setting stretch goals per se, but all subsequent donations help get us towards the ultimate goal of making Switch available for all ROM developers to use and thereby all devices. Switch is for you - Android fans. :-)

If the momentum of theMoDaCo Switch continues, we may see it on many more phones to come. To get in on the donating action, following the source link below.

Source: Indiegogo

Via: Galaxy S4 MoDaCo Switch Indiegogo campaign quickly reaches its fundraising goal

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