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Zagat gets a new look on both the web and your smartphone


Get the very best restaurants and nightspots right at your fingertips with the all new Zagat

It's been a while since Google did anything with the Zagat franchise they purchased back in 2011, but if you're a fan of the crowd-sourcedrestaurant rating application genre, you'll likely love what they've done with it. First off, everything is now 100-percent free, and a whole lot of people love free. Mostly though, it's the new modern look and feel they've created in their Android and iOS apps and the website.

Bright, cheery and card-based, it still ties in to services like Google+ and Google Maps to keep you informed about the best places to get your grub on. With curated lists likeRestaurants with the Best Food in Washington, D.C.(Obelisk in DuPont Circle has the best Italian west of Roma -- no lie) you'll have access to trusted opinions and ratings.

Zagat still only serves a handful of cities (Austin, Boston, Chicago, LA, NYC, Philly, San Francisco and DC) but if you're a local or plan on traveling, you should give this one a spin. Your stomach will thank you.

Source: Zagat

Via: Zagat gets a new look on both the web and your smartphone

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