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Feedly Pro now available to everyone, $5 per month or $45 per year

Feedly Pro

More functionality, security and support for a modest fee

Following the retirement of Google Reader, Feedly has taken the reins as the go-to choice for RSS news for many of us and is now offering a "Pro" tier of service for a modest amount of money. A limited number of early adopters were allowed in on a $99 lifetime subscription deal when the Pro service was first announced, but now everyone will have the opportunity to get in at either $5 per month or $45 per year.

Feedly Pro offers many features not offered in the free version, such as searching within individual feeds, HTTPS secure browsing and one-click saving to Pocket and Evernote. If you ever have issues using Feedly, Pro offers "premium support" for technical issues as well. Feedly says more Pro features will be introduced "regularly", and that Pro users will get a vote in what features are developed.

The first-party Feedly app is the first to integrate Pro features, naturally, but Feedly says it is working to bring all of the Pro features to the FeedlyCloud API so that any app can offer them if you're a Pro subscriber.

Source: Feedly

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