High-res, high-performance tablet with a focus on reading
Kobo recently announced a range of new Android tablets, at the high-end of that range sits the Kobo Arc 10 HD. With aTegra 4 tablet with a 2560x1600-resolution display, the e-reader company finds itself positioned squarely at the high end of the Android tablet spectrum.
Nevertheless, despite the raw power and presumably, gaming prowess too under the hood, the Kobo Arc 10 HD's primary purpose is as a premium reading device. Kobo's built a custom launcher for its tablet based around navigating through magazine and book content. Most impressively, the magazine reader app itself allows users to easily jump between paragraphs by tapping either side of the screen, rather than scrolling and zooing around using the touchscreen. There's also a dedicated reading mode that dials back the screen brightness and background tasks, with the aim of giving users an uninterrupted reading experience.
The Kobo Arc 10 HD also sporting a unique chassis design, with an unusual geometric pattern on its rear. Despite these sharp lines, it's comfortable to hold and use at least, as much as any other 10-inch tablet.
Check past the break for our hands-on walkthrough and more photos.
Via: Kobo Arc 10 HD hands-on
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