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Verizon HTC One gets the S-Off treatment

Verizon HTC One

A seemingly reliable one-click S-Off method now available for those who need it

A little over a month after its release, the Verizon HTC One now has a working S-Off method for willing tinkerers to give a try. The method, which was put together by a couple of users over at XDA, takes a bit of setting up and checking for prerequisites but is otherwise generally a one-click affair. You'll need to be running a 32-bit Linux or Windows install and have the proper drivers installed, as well as a 100 percent stock device that hasn't been tampered with at all.

Once you've checked all the boxes, it seems as though this S-Off method is providing the desired result for folks who have replied to the forum thread. If you're not sure why you'd want S-Off, it opens up the door for future hacking on the device, such as custom recoveries, RUUs from different models and all sorts of good frustration fun.

If you're willing to give it a run, be sure to do all of the required reading before diving into achieving S-Off on your device. We want fewer bricked devices out there if at all possible.

More: Verizon HTC One Forums

Source: XDA

Via: Verizon HTC One gets the S-Off treatment

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