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Eric Schmidt gives a few handy tips on switching to Android from iPhone

HTC One and iPhone 5

A nice beginner's guide mixed with some subtle jabs at the competition

Executive Chairman of Google Eric Schmidt doesn't always post on Google+, but when he does it's usually something entertaining. Today he took up a big chunk of everyone's stream with a little step-by-step tutorial on the process for switching to Android from an iPhone.

After taking a few sentences to remind folks the benefits of heading over to Android, Schmidt breaks down the process of signing in to your new Android phone, then moving over contacts, music, photos and finally, your SIM card. One of the biggest steps that he thankfully points out is the process of turning off iMessage before moving nasty things can happen if you leave that on before you make it to your new Android phone.

As you would expect, the comments on his post have taken off as well, with a few more insights. Been wondering about undertaking the switch yourself, or have someone that might need a nudge in the new direction? You can find Schmidt's post at the source link below.

Source: +Eric Schmidt

Via: Eric Schmidt gives a few handy tips on switching to Android from iPhone

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