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Three new Nexus 5 commercials highlight popular camera features

Short and sweet, with each one hitting a single feature

Following up on the initial "I Do" commercial that came with the launch of the Nexus 5, Google has just published three more short videos to its YouTube account. The commercials highlight HDR+, Photo Sphere and Auto Awesome, and are each just 15 seconds long, but still get the point across there are a lot of interesting camera features available on the Nexus 5. The most powerful among them is likely HDR+, which you can see above.

Now of course Photo Sphere is available on more than just the Nexus 5, and Auto Awesome animated pictures can be made with pretty much any camera, but we can see why Google would want to highlight these camera features to sell the latest device. Hit the break for the other two commercials.

Via: Three new Nexus 5 commercials highlight popular camera features

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