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This week's sidebar poll: Do you use your Android to track severe weather?

Mother Nature is fickle. While things may be sunny and calm one day, the next may bring a full-blown case of what my grandfather used to call "some weather." Whether that weather is rain, or ice, or something more sinister that rotates, keeping up-to-date and a step ahead can be crucial.

We have the technology in our hands to see the same maps and data the professional weather people are seeing, in almost real-time. We can be prepared if we want to be. So do you?

I'll admit I'm a weather junkie. It even rubbed off on my wife since she's been stuck with me for so long. The minute I hear some bad schtuff may be going down, I grab my tablet or my phone and start opening some apps to get all the information I can. I know some of you guys live in my neck of the woods, and know exactly how important it was this past winter to stay ahead of the ice. And the ice. And the ice. Or as we just saw in Northwest Florida, rain can make one hell of a mess or do worse. And that's not even mentioning the emergencies like tornados or hurricanes.

What about you? Do you use your phone or tablet to keep up-to-date with this sort of thing, or do you rely on other means to stay informed? There's a poll below, and you can always find it on the homepage in the right-hand sidebar. Let us all know, and be sure to mention your favorite app for it in the comments!

Via: This week's sidebar poll: Do you use your Android to track severe weather?

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